Monday, November 16, 2009

Finally My vote Counted

Many of us love to watch the game of football. Most of us have our favorite teams. Suicides are committed, bets are placed and lots of beer taken. For others they just watch from the house. For those like me, we just grit our teeth hoping that our favorite team will win. When the worst comes to worst; we pray that it ends as a goalless draw. When we loose, some of us shed a tear hoping the ancestor of the team will intervene.That beside the point; life to me is like a football match. It may not seem so because we do not quite plan its eventuality but many are the times that we make many passes hoping to achieve our goal eventually. Talk of attack; as compared to life would be the point at which we are ready to explore the opportunities out there taking in mind other peoples weaknesses and fully utilizing your strengths. Defense would be the obstacles in life. They will try to catch while you try to pass, they will intercept when you think you are almost there or even knock all your efforts away. Throw-in or corner comes quite often in life. These would be when we have a second chance to attempt something that the defense may have tried to deviate us from the goal. There are times when the energy put in is galore and the means of achieving the goal are quite challenging. Despite all that i would like to say we take a long kick and score the goal. Through out our lives we work tirelessly, sweat drapes us and when we are just about to get there, when the achievement is in the offing the ball just goes over the bar or even hits the goal post quite hard then deviates.The ball also at times just misses a few inches to touch the line. The goal there is not achieved. But just like a footballer who despairs not even when there is no hope of winning, who continues to sweat even when the sweat will produce nothing, whose injuries do not hinder him from achieving the goal; you and me should do the same. We should stand firm, stand tall and toil hard no matter what comes our way. Life is beautiful, it is glorious, it is worth a celebration. Lets play safe and live life to the fullest.

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